Wednesday, November 22, 2017

T is for trials, tribulations - and Thanksgiving

I haven’t done this in a while: Write in my blog or make my list of the Top Ten Things I’m Thankful For.
I’ve been busy. Really busy.
I started a new and demanding job in June. I never imagined working for Livingstone College, but it has been the most wonderful experience thus far.
From meeting new people and making new friends to learning new things and being inspired to achieve more for myself, this journey has proven to be necessary for my personal and professional growth.
But life keeps happening - no matter the journey.
A little more than a month after taking the new job, the unthinkable happened to my best friend. He was injured by a relative. Stabbed. In the neck. While he slept.
He was hospitalized for 11 days.
He would be the first to say he is a walking miracle. I would be the second and the LOUDEST.
His family doctor is still in awe over how the main artery was dodged. It was nothing short of divine intervention. We know it was God Almighty, our fortress and tower in times of trouble.
Many wonderful things happened from this tragedy, though. He would be the first to say that as a result of all the good consequences, he would go through it again if necessary. (I would like to think that’s an exaggeration – just in case the angels are listening.)
Family situations were reconstructed and resolved. Prayer meetings were held nightly in the waiting rooms. New friendships were forged and old ones were renewed. Family ties were strengthened. Doubt was eliminated. Faith was rekindled.
I’ve learned that that’s the way God is. He intervenes in a way that we least expect sometimes. While we’re looking left, He’s coming from the right. While we’re looking up, He’s tapping us on our shoulders. While we’re sleeping, He’s controlling the hands of evil. And while we’re healing and recovering, He’s rearranging our circumstances.
I understand better now the Scripture of James 1:2-4: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Of course it doesn’t feel good when we’re going through tribulations, but if we persist through them with faith, hope, love and an unwavering belief in God and his power, life will be as it should be on the other side of it.
So this year, though it sounds odd to the ear, I’m thankful for my trials and tribulations. Without them, I would not have made new friends and gotten reacquainted with old ones; I would not have a renewed devotion to an enduring friendship; and I would not have witnessed a miracle, a testament to God’s mercy and grace.
My best friend would be the first to say this is what he is thankful for, too. But I would be the second ... and the LOUDEST.
(Wait, I was the first to say it. Oh well ...)

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Aging best motivator of all

I could write my own book on all I’ve learned over the years from self-help publications.

Yeah, I’m a fan. Some people puke at the idea of digesting this genre, but I swallow up the concepts with a big spoon.

And try to apply them to my life.

Live the life you imagine.

Start your day with positive affirmations.

Put feet to your prayers.

That thing you wanted to be as a child is what your true purpose is.

In order to get something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.

Follow your instinct.


Don’t go in the red room. (Ooops, wrong book)

My point is, I’ve read it all, tried it all, been there, done that.

And yet, my big breakthrough doesn’t appear to be on the horizon.

I’m always searching for that one thing that will get me so focused on attaining my dreams that I have to remember to breathe.

I must confess, my biggest deterrent has been procrastination. So, for Lent, I gave it up. I made a list of things I needed to do and vowed to complete them in 40 days.

Cue the music: I checked off everything except for one. I’m so proud of me.

One of the things I put into practice was turning off the TV and doing something productive instead. Bye-bye “Scandal,” “Empire” and “Greenleaf” – at least until Saturday morning when I could binge watch them all.

I got the turning off the TV part down pact. It was the productive part that, well, wasn’t so productive. I found myself talking on the phone or browsing Facebook instead of doing something constructive.

But I’m a believer of small steps making up a journey, so kudos to me – if I must say so myself – for taking the first step in turning off the tube.

Back to that one thing that will get me focused. I think I found it. It was on April 3 of this year when I turned another year older.

This birthday reminded me that I might not have as many years ahead of me as I have behind me. Strike that – let me make this positive: If I live as long as I have, I will be grateful. (See, told you I’ve learned some things.)

If I want to live the life I have imagined for myself, I must start now, while I’m still in my right mind, able-bodied, and can enjoy the fruits of my labor.

So, the best birthday present I can give to myself is to get started on fulfilling my dreams and hope my contributions to this world will make an impact on someone or something.

I declare and decree that from this day forward, I will take action and incorporate the seven habits of highly effective people to live my best life now to reach my destiny rather than focus on who moved my cheese so that I may think and grow rich in my purpose driven life before I turn 50 shades darker (oops, wrong book again.)